4. Is JP’s Name Really JP?

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4. Is JP’s Name Really JP?

This is a work in progress, if you have another question, leave a comment here and I’ll try to answer it! 1. Who is LL? You can get more in my own “About Me and My Blog” page up at the very top but in short, I am 31, tallish, with blue eyes and red locks I wish I knew me how to style properly.

I am an enforcement attorney with the SEC, wife, and mom of two three. I’ve pudgy black lab called Tex slightly. I reside in Fort Worth in a 70-year-old house, and think it’s great, but I remain little pieces of my center behind in Chicago and Austin. I really like cookies, French fries, pens, burgandy, or Merlot wine, putting things rainbow and alphabetical order, high heel shoes, clothes bought on clearance, Democratic politics, and my Nikon D90 camera.

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I also love touring, hostessing, looking up restaurant menus, being outdoors, reading the same books over and over again, and hearing my kids have a good laugh. 2. So why are you experiencing a blog? I started this blog in 2006 because I was in law school and was considering having a baby soon. I found out I used to be pregnant a few weeks later and I am writing ever since.

3. MUST I have a child-in-law college? Yes, probably, if you want one. Really this can be an impossible question to answer without knowing everything about you, but the impulse is grasped by me to ask it anyway, so please visit a lot longer answer here. My short answer is that I wouldn’t change something about when my children were created, and if you believe you’re ready to start your family, you mustn’t let law school stop you. 4. Is JP’s name really JP? Nope, but it has been funny to sometimes hear the people we realize in real life call him that because they browse the blog. 5. Should I proceed to Austin?.

1 city to weather the downturn! For my part, I really do love Austin even though I don’t like the state of Texas everything that much and I really got no desire to come back after going to law school in Chicago. However the laid back nature, the lakes, the hillsides, the great food, and my 10 minute commute have all combined to produce a place I’ve come to love. 6.Will you web page link/write about/review my product/website/event?

No. I am sorry for the blanket plan, but there are no exceptions. 7. What’s your comment plan? 8. The trend is to discuss your in-laws? I wrote about my original stance on this here. However the situation changed, so now I don’t talk about them because we haven’t talked to them in seven years. 9. How do you want to keep blogging long?

For so long as I have something to state. I think the focus shall change. As Landon ages and exits the infant phase There is myself sharing less about him and I’m sure I’ll do the same with Claire. I make an effort to keep this website about me (and my babies, who until about age group 3, I see mainly as an extension of me) and try to avoid telling stories that aren’t mine to talk about.