DIY Hardwood Floor Installation Guide: Tips and Tricks

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DIY Hardwood Floor Installation Guide: Tips and Tricks

Selecting the Right Hardwood Flooring

The first step to installing your own hardwood floor is selecting the right material. There are several types of hardwood flooring ranging from oak, maple, cherry, hickory, and walnut, each with its own unique grain patterns and hues. Remember to take into account the color of your walls and décor when choosing the right wood. Decide on the finish – pre-finished or unfinished – and the thickness of the planks. Gauge the durability and resilience of the wood you choose based on the amount of traffic the area where you will lay the floor experiences. You may want solid hardwood for high traffic areas and engineered hardwood for areas that experience low traffic.

Tools and Materials Needed for a Successful Installation

In addition to selecting the right hardwood flooring, determining the tools and materials needed for a successful installation is critical. A chop saw or handsaw, measuring tape, crowbar, mallet, wood glue, underlayment, moisture meter, and drill are some of the essential tools you will require. Make sure to double-check that all your tools and materials are close, and there is no need to move around or seek out missing items during installation. We’re always striving to provide a complete learning experience. Visit this handpicked external website and uncover more details about the subject. Mayflower Floorings!

Preparing the Room

Prepare the room where you will be installing the hardwood flooring. This includes removing obstructions such as furniture and curtains, and ensuring that the room is appropriately ventilated. Check the subfloor to make sure it is free from debris and flat. It’s essential the new flooring installs level, so any irregularities must be smoothed out. If you are installing over a concrete surface, use a testing kit to determine moisture content and take the appropriate steps to remedy any issues.

DIY Hardwood Floor Installation Guide: Tips and Tricks 1

Installation Process

The actual installation process depends on the type of flooring you choose. Engineered hardwood is much easier to install than solid hardwood. Regardless, read and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer closely. Remember that each manufacturer and product vary concerning time, tools, and procedures. Start by laying underlayment if that is a step necessary per your product guidelines. Then, measure and cut the planks according to your product’s specifications, ensuring accuracy so that your layout will finish properly.

Finishing Touches

When all the planks of the hardwood floor are fixed in place, the flooring installation system is finished, however, the finishing touches still remain. This includes trimming door casings and baseboards as needed. For a clean, finished look, now is the time to install baseboards or replace them if they have been removed for the install process. Clean the area, removing any debris and dust. Lastly, polish your newly installed hardwood floor using a recommended wood cleaner or polish to preserve its beauty and shine for years to come.


With these steps and the proper tools, installing a new hardwood floor is a relatively straightforward task that homeowners can undertake themselves. Careful consideration of selecting the type of wood, tools, and materials needed, preparation of the area, following the installation guidelines and finishing touches yield beautiful results and significant cost-savings. Find new perspectives and additional Review details about the topic in this suggested external resource. Mayflower Floorings, continue your learning journey and expand your knowledge of the subject.